12 February 2009 |
New 'Cloth' Arrived!
Blog Update,
Link Exchange
Salam and hi to all visitor.
Firstly, I would like to say "Thank you" because visit my blog (hee :D) and keep supporting me even I know my older theme quite 'chaos'. Haha :))
This is the layout by ThemeLib and I modified it to make this blog more interesting.
New Logo!
Hahaha, but I think, this only for temporary. I'll create a new one (maybe.. ;)) hehe)
Smiley in Comment!
You like to smile? Hehe, feel free to comment with smiley!
Link Exchange
Exchange your link with me! Click here to exchange you link with me, and I will choose to put in my "Link Exchange" widget.

Shoutmix with Nice rounded box
Just keep "bla..bla.." or what ever in my Shoutbox, avoid spamming ("need RM?","Easy Money?") X(
So? What do you think this new 'cloth' for my blog?
Firstly, I would like to say "Thank you" because visit my blog (hee :D) and keep supporting me even I know my older theme quite 'chaos'. Haha :))
This is the layout by ThemeLib and I modified it to make this blog more interesting.
What's New?

Hahaha, but I think, this only for temporary. I'll create a new one (maybe.. ;)) hehe)

You like to smile? Hehe, feel free to comment with smiley!

Exchange your link with me! Click here to exchange you link with me, and I will choose to put in my "Link Exchange" widget.

Shoutmix with Nice rounded box
Just keep "bla..bla.." or what ever in my Shoutbox, avoid spamming ("need RM?","Easy Money?") X(
So? What do you think this new 'cloth' for my blog?
Terdapat 2 komen. Sudilah tinggalkan komen anda.
cun la theme neh. cool dengan header tuh. hehe :)
to Knizam:
nge'rip' design orang je ni, hehe, anyway, thanks for the comment bro ;;)
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