21 February 2009 |
My First Photography Session

In this post, I would like to give much appreciation to MBSC (capik, bohjan, jai) because always follow my word! In "Road to Wawasan Open University" post, I promise to upload the picture right?
I like to call this, "My First Time Photography Session" - even without dslr (isk..). Why? Before this, I just snap candid picture, random picture, but on this session, I try to handle the session.

Model: Bohjan, Capik, Jai
Equipment: Sony Ericsson C905
So, what do you think?
Terdapat 15 komen. Sudilah tinggalkan komen anda.
smart ar gambar first yg 4 orang tuh. cameraphone leh tangkap gambar cenggitu ek? ingatkan guna camera dslr tadik. huhuhu
nk wat cmne bro, xmampu nk angkat dslr..keh..keh..coming soon agaknye..tapi kira ok la ade C905 ni, bley gak snap2
CikPlestiNn: waa..cntik2..kreatif lg..tahniah..keep ur work.. :) ehm.pelakon2 tuh, bley sewa x?hakhaa..anyway, freak guna kmera phone jeke?andai guna nikon dslr,sure lg gempak kn..
bley2, janji ada makan =)) al-maklum la, dorang ni kaki melantak..ekeke
yg tu je mampu..ekekeke, InsyaAllah ;)
to bro eddie:
lupe nk gtaw, hehe.. yg tu taruk hp atas tanah, placing bagi cun..setting timer punya then reramai lari dok atas tiang tu.. ekeke
pehhh ... hadi
abes la relaxjom kena tutup kedai ....
pasni kena bukak kedai jual nasi lemak aa pulak ...
awesomeeee .... mmg best pics...
lighting memang menarik ... tambah2 guna camera phone saja ....
ada org kata " good or not ur pics is not alway depend on how many pixels u have ...but depend on what u can do with your pixel..."
hadi, kalau akau lambat reply tuh ..sorry la noh ... faham2 la...zaman da berubah ...hihihi
mana bley celenn, empunya relaxjom pakai dslr, hamba hanya pakai phone..hehe
tapi gambar-gambar tu agak srabut dgn 'noise' + xsharp = hamba kurang puas hati..hehe
btui tu bro, aku pun penah dengaq gak quote camtu, sebab tu try 'mobile photography' even bukan 'professional photographer' macam korang..hehe
yaya, orang dah kawen..mmg byk tanggungjawab..
p/s: aku setia menanti kelahiran anakrazifembi.. hehe
~PuRpLe BlosSom~
...chantek..!! perfect..!! chaiyork2 chenta..!!! k..kte kumpul wit sesame..bli cam dslr 2..maw ka..?? huhuhuhu.. ;)
nice composition for the first and the 2nd last pictures...good job and well done..keep it up, i know c905 is such a great phone with great camera.. :)
shantek pixca2 tu...hamba sangat suka... teruskan berkarya dengan mata lensa...huhuhhu
baby: ye2, ekeke..boley2..
izzat: thanks for the comment bro!
allin: tima kaseyy, wahh ayat, "berkarya dengan mata lensa". Ye2, saye akan terus mencuba. Hee
cantek la gambar2...
1st pic...betul2 rase 'wow' cantek betul...
gila punya lawa.
cool shots! :)
to Suryani
hee, thanks..
to Anony
hehe, thanks for the comment
to @brendaisarebel
thanks brenda! Hee
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